Darker Side of Engineering Culture in Pakistan

Hasan Raza Khan
2 min readJan 3, 2022


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Engineering culture of pakistan is very devastating, No such place to work in a proper engineering manner, even in avery big and reputable companies. Engineers need attention from government of Pakistan.

Pakistan Engineering Council (Google image)

PEC ( Pakistan Engineering Council) is very weak. unble to raise the voice of engineers and also fail in protection of rights of engineers.
Engineers have No job security in pakistan. Companies hire and fire without any fear.

The biggest problem is job crisis. Mostly 80 % of engineering graduate is unble to sucure job. Because of this they have to sacrifice the right there and start working on the no rule culture.

Google Im

The biggest solution of this crisis are:
1) Decrease engineering seats ( decide seats quota on the basis of company needs)
2) Create engineering entrepreneurship culture
3) Create easy and proper affiliated job search engine like rozee.pk etc.
4) Sign MOUs with all companies small zone to big giant to create 2 to 3 freash engineering positions every year
5) Hiring should be through Universities ( through which companies and universities are on same paper )
6) Mandatory audit of companies regarding engineers and engineering culture.

At the end, I just say

Engineering is not merely knowing and being knowledgeable, like a walking encyclopedia; engineering is not merely analysis; engineering is not merely the possession of the capacity to get elegant solutions to non-existent engineering problems; engineering is practicing the art of the organizing forces of technological change… Engineers operate at the interface between science and society



Hasan Raza Khan

Cheater and the leader have one thing in common, which they think wisely